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Provides more text formatting components on top of the ones provides by

# peer depsnpm install install

subscript: Component#

Allows text to marked as subscript. Note: Expects a spec named superscript to exist, you should either use it with provided superscript component or create one of yours.

spec(): MarkSpec#

plugins({ ... }): Plugins#

Named parameters:

  • keybindings: ?KeybindingsObject=defaultKeys
    For a list of allowed keys see defaultKeys below.

defaultKeys: KeybindingsObject#

  • toggleSubscript = null: toggle subscript, disabled by default.

commands: CommandObject#

  • toggleSubscript(): Command
    Toggles subscript mark.

  • queryIsSubscriptActive(): QueryCommand<boolean>
    Query if the selection is inside a subscript mark or not.


See example.

superscript: Component#

Allows text to marked as superscript. Note: Expects a spec named subscript to exist, you should either use it with provided subscript component or create one of yours.

spec(): MarkSpec#

plugins({ ... }): Plugins#

Named parameters:

  • keybindings: ?KeybindingsObject=defaultKeys
    For a list of allowed keys see defaultKeys below.

defaultKeys: KeybindingsObject#

  • toggleSuperscript = null: toggle superscript, disabled by default.

commands: CommandObject#

  • toggleSuperscript(): Command
    Toggles superscript mark.

  • queryIsSuperscriptActive(): QueryCommand<boolean>
    Query if the selection is inside a superscript mark or not.


See example.