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This package provides you with a React API for integrating Bangle in your React app.


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import '';
import { useEditorState, BangleEditor } from '';
export default function Editor() {  const editorState = useEditorState({    initialValue: 'Hello world!',  });  return <BangleEditor state={editorState} />;}

💡 Do not forget to load the stylesheet located at ''.

BangleEditor: React.Element#

A React component for rendering a Bangle instance.


  • id: ?string
    The id of the DOM node bangle mounts on. Please make sure this is unique if you are having multiple editors.

  • className: ?string
    The CSS class names for the container div of the editor. (The editor div has the class .bangle-editor ).

  • style ?Object
    The style object for the container div of the editor.

  • renderNodeViews: ?fn({ children, node, view, getPos, decorations, selected, attrs, updateAttrs}) -> React.Element
    Allows customization of how a Node is rendered in the DOM. This will be called with a node and you are expected to return a matching React component for the node.type. You are also expected to correctly nest the children props. Note: children prop is not available for atom nodes. See React custom rendering guide

  • focusOnInit: ?boolean=true
    Brings editor to focus when it loads.

  • onReady: ?fn(editor)
    A callback which is called when the editor has mounted.

  • children: ?React.Element
    React components which need the editor context but are not directly editable i.e. do not lie inside the contentEditable of the editor. A good example of what can be children is FloatingMenu.

  • state: BangleEditorState
    The state of your editor. It is recommended that you use useEditorState hook to create it.

  • pmViewOpts: ?Prosemirror.DirectEditorProps

useEditorState: ReactHook#

fn(BangleEditorState) -> BangleEditorState

A hook for initialing the editor state.

💡 This hook will never trigger a re-render, if you want to react to a change in your editor consider using usePluginState. Read React Basic example.

📖 Checkout React example

usePluginState: ReactHook#

fn(pluginKey<T>): T

A hook for hooking to a Prosemirror plugin's state. Thishook works only with children of <BangleEditor />. This will re-render the React component every-time the plugin's state changes.

useEditorViewContext: ReactHook#

fn(): Prosemirror.EditorView

A hook for providing the Prosemirror.EditorView to a React component. This context is only available to children of <BangleEditor />. It will never trigger a re-render as the hook maintains the same Prosemirror.EditorView instance throughout the editor's lifecycle.

📖 Checkout Floating menu dropdown example.